
The Kyra Company

Website Design & Development / Content Creation & Communication / Social Media Management & Training / Creative Design & Print
  • 6 weeks
  • 2024
  • Business Leadership & Development
The Challenge

TKC Smart CEO required a complete website overhaul to better serve their membership-based CEO community and to position themselves as a leader in business growth and development. Additionally, they needed professionally designed course materials and presentation decks to support their educational programs. With an aim to strengthen their social media presence, they also sought a strategic plan for social media management. Finally, TKC Smart CEO needed a landing page to promote their Smart CEO Accelerator program, sponsored by JP Morgan Chase.

The Solution

Blüm Consulting provided a tailored solution that started with a full redesign of the website, creating a dynamic platform that catered to the needs of the CEO community. We developed comprehensive course materials and designed engaging presentation decks to enhance their programs. To expand their reach, we implemented a social media strategy that improved engagement and visibility across platforms. Finally, we designed and launched a dedicated landing page for the Smart CEO Accelerator to drive awareness and participation, in line with the sponsorship by JP Morgan Chase.

  • Website Design & Development: Complete redesign of the membership-based CEO platform, ensuring a user-friendly experience and seamless navigation.
  • Course Material Development: Developed structured, engaging course materials for their business growth and accelerator programs.
  • Presentation Decks: Designed professional presentation decks to support CEO workshops, events, and programs.
  • Social Media Marketing & Management: Created a strategic social media plan and managed content creation and engagement to increase brand visibility.
  • Landing Page Development: Built a landing page specifically for the Smart CEO Accelerator, sponsored by JP Morgan Chase, to promote the program and drive sign-ups.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)