
Black Wealth Summit

Website Design & Development / Social Media Management & Training / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print / Digital Marketing
  • Ongoing
  • 2024
  • Nonprofit
The Challenge

Black Wealth Summit, Inc. already had an established online platform but needed a refreshed and engaging landing page for their 2024 summit. The goal was to update the design and functionality to better showcase speaker information, event details, and promotional content. Additionally, they required a cohesive digital marketing strategy, along with social media management and promotional materials to drive registrations and increase event visibility.

The Solution

Blüm Consulting developed a dedicated landing page for the 2024 Black Wealth Summit, providing regular updates with speaker images and event information. We also managed the summit’s social media presence, creating engaging content to generate interest. Promotional flyers and speaker visuals were crafted to maintain brand consistency, while digital ad campaigns were designed to promote the event across various platforms.

  • Website Design & Development: Designed and maintained a landing page for the 2024 summit with ongoing updates featuring speakers and event details.
  • Social Media Management: Managed social media content and engagement to promote the summit and build awareness.
  • Content Creation & Communication: Developed speaker images and promotional flyers for digital and print use.
  • Digital Marketing: Designed and implemented digital marketing campaigns to increase event visibility and drive registrations.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)