

Slippery Soap

Brand Strategy & Development / Creative Design & Print / Website Design & Development / Product Design & Development Timeline 6 weeks Year 2023 Industry Automotive Care The Challenge Slippery Soap, a growing automotive care brand, needed a cohesive brand identity that reflected its commitment to quality and innovation. The…
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The Kyra Company

Website Design & Development / Content Creation & Communication / Social Media Management & Training / Creative Design & Print Timeline 6 weeks Year 2024 Industry Business Leadership & Development The Challenge TKC Smart CEO required a complete website overhaul to better serve their membership-based CEO community and to position…
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Unity National Bank

Digital Marketing / Social Media Management & Training / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print / Branding Timeline Ongoing Year 2024 Industry Banking & Finance The Challenge Unity National Bank aimed to enhance its digital presence, strengthen internal and external communications, and refresh its branding to engage…
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West Perrine Community Redevelopment Agency

Brand Strategy & Development / Website Design & Development / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print Timeline Ongoing Year 2024 Industry Community Development The Challenge West Perrine CRA required a comprehensive brand overhaul to better represent its community initiatives and outreach programs. The project needed to include…
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Black Wealth Summit

Website Design & Development / Social Media Management & Training / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print / Digital Marketing Timeline Ongoing Year 2024 Industry Nonprofit The Challenge Black Wealth Summit, Inc. already had an established online platform but needed a refreshed and engaging landing page for…
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Megalopolis Real Estate Brokerage

Brand Strategy & Development / Website Design & Development Timeline Ongoing Year 2024 Industry Real Estate The Challenge Megalopolis Real Estate Brokerage sought to establish a strong and recognizable brand in a competitive market. They required a modern, professional logo to represent their brand and a user-friendly website to showcase…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)