
About us

About Blüm Consulting

At Blüm Consulting, we believe that every brand has the potential to thrive. With over 15 years of industry experience, we specialize in strategic brand development, digital marketing, and creative design solutions that help businesses grow and stand out in competitive markets. Our mission is to cultivate success by empowering brands to bloom through tailored strategies, innovative marketing, and impactful design.

From government agencies and nonprofits to consumer brands and small businesses, Blüm Consulting partners with clients to build strong, lasting brands that resonate with their target audience and achieve measurable results.

Our Mission Our Vision Our Values
Our mission is to cultivate success by empowering businesses to bloom through strategic branding, innovative marketing, and tailored solutions. We are committed to delivering high-quality, results-driven strategies that align with your brand's unique vision and goals.
Our vision at Blüm Consulting is to be the leading authority in strategic brand development and creative marketing solutions. We envision a future where creativity, innovation, and strategic insight converge to unlock the full potential of every brand we touch.


  • Creativity: Driving innovation with fresh, impactful solutions.
  • Collaboration: Partnering closely with clients to bring their vision to life.
  • Excellence: Committed to delivering high-quality results in every project.
  • Integrity: Building trust through transparency and reliability.
Meet Our Founder

Dr. Rochelle Lewis

Dr. Rochelle Lewis, founder of Blüm Consulting, boasts a decorated career in the government and healthcare industries, she rose to the C-suite before following her passion for brand strategy and design with the launch of Blüm Consulting. With over 15 years of experience in brand strategy and development,, her expertise has made her a sought-after partner for clients such as Miami-Dade County, Unity National Bank, and the Black Wealth Summit.

Rochelle’s innovative approach extends to her work with her husband Jeremy Lewis’s company, Slippery Soap, where she led the product development and design of the Rick Ross Detailing Collection—a premium automotive care line created in partnership with Grammy-nominated business mogul Rick Ross, which is poised for retail success.

Dr. Rochelle Lewis

Founder & CEO

Blüm Consulting (pronounced bloom) represents growth, transformation, and the flourishing of brands.

Want to know more about us? Download Our Fact Sheet

We bring your brand’s vision to life through strategic insight, creative design, and innovative marketing solutions.

With over 15 years of expertise, we bring extensive experience in building strategic partnerships across government, private sectors, and diverse industries to drive impactful brand growth.

Our Services

Our Clients

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)