
Slippery Soap

Brand Strategy & Development / Creative Design & Print / Website Design & Development / Product Design & Development
  • 6 weeks
  • 2023
  • Automotive Care
The Challenge

Slippery Soap, a growing automotive care brand, needed a cohesive brand identity that reflected its commitment to quality and innovation. The challenge was to establish a strong visual presence and brand strategy that could elevate the company’s standing in the competitive automotive care market. Additionally, Slippery Soap required product design for its expanding product line, including a partnership collaboration with Grammy-nominated business mogul Rick Ross.

The Solution

We developed a comprehensive brand strategy that positioned Slippery Soap as a leader in automotive care. The brand identity was built around clean, modern design elements that reflect the company’s dedication to high-quality, professional products. We extended this brand vision across multiple platforms, including the design of a custom trade show tent, a fully responsive and user-friendly website, and product packaging for the Rick Ross Detailing Collection.


  • Brand Strategy & Development: Comprehensive brand identity, including logo design and product branding for Slippery Soap’s premium car care products.
  • Creative Design & Print: Product packaging, marketing materials, and promotional flyers for retail distribution.
  • Digital Marketing: Content creation for digital campaigns and promotional materials.
  • Social Media Management: Development of a social media strategy, content calendar, and platform optimization.
  • Content Creation & Communication: Corporate communications, press releases, and product launch announcements.
  • E-Commerce Development: Creation and optimization of an Amazon storefront to expand product reach and increase online sales.
  • Website Design & Development: Custom website for Slippery Soap featuring an e-commerce platform and product showcase.


Our Work

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)