
Unity National Bank

Digital Marketing / Social Media Management & Training / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print / Branding
  • Ongoing
  • 2024
  • Banking & Finance
The Challenge

Unity National Bank aimed to enhance its digital presence, strengthen internal and external communications, and refresh its branding to engage with a broader audience. They required a cohesive strategy that would not only boost their online visibility but also improve their communication through newsletters and promotional materials like posters and banners.

The Solution

Blüm Consulting provided a comprehensive approach, focusing on digital marketing strategies to increase Unity’s online engagement. We developed and managed social media content that aligned with the bank’s messaging and goals. Internally, we improved communication with consistent and well-designed newsletters. Externally, we supported their branding efforts through creative print media, including posters and retractable banners, to create a unified and professional look for events and customer interactions.


  • Digital Marketing: Implemented a targeted digital marketing strategy to increase brand visibility and customer engagement online.
  • Social Media Management: Developed and managed social media content and campaigns to align with Unity National Bank’s branding and marketing goals.
  • Internal & External Communications: Created consistent newsletters and communications to strengthen engagement with both employees and customers.
  • Creative Design & Print: Designed promotional materials such as posters and retractable banners to support their brand identity at events and in branches.
  • Branding: Enhanced Unity National Bank’s overall branding, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints, from digital marketing to print materials.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)