
West Perrine Community Redevelopment Agency

Brand Strategy & Development / Website Design & Development / Content Creation & Communication / Creative Design & Print
  • Ongoing
  • 2024
  • Community Development
The Challenge

West Perrine CRA required a comprehensive brand overhaul to better represent its community initiatives and outreach programs. The project needed to include a full rebranding, new website, and development of platforms to support grant programs. Additionally, promotional materials and internal communication assets were essential to creating a cohesive and professional brand image.

The Solution

Blüm Consulting executed a full brand strategy for West Perrine CRA, starting with logo design and extending into the development of a user-friendly website. We also created a grant program platform to facilitate community applications. To further solidify their brand identity, we designed printed materials including a retractable banner, letterhead, promotional brochures, and a PowerPoint presentation deck. Additionally, email campaigns were developed to enhance community outreach and communication.

  • Brand Strategy & Development: Comprehensive brand strategy including a new logo and visual identity.
  • Website Design & Development: Created a user-friendly website and developed a grant program platform.
  • Creative Design & Print: Designed letterhead, retractable banners, promotional brochures, and a PowerPoint presentation deck.
  • Content Creation & Communication: Developed email campaigns to engage the community and streamline communication.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)